News & Announcements

Image Title Article source Post Date

The Secretary of State Michael Pompeo send best wish for the Muslim communities in United States and around the World for celebrating the Holy Month of Ramadan

On behalf of the American people, I extend my best wishes to Muslim communities in the United States and around the world as they mark the start of the holy month of Ramadan. Ramadan is a time of introspection, service, and compassion. In the United States, under normal circumstances, many mosques, homes, and community centers welcome friends and neighbors of different faiths to unite under one roof, echoing our shared American values of inclusion and charity.

U.S. Department of StateMon, Apr 27, 2020 Mon, Apr 27, 2020

Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken Travel to Djibouti February 7-9

February 5, 2016 - Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken will travel next week to Djibouti to lead the U.S. delegation to the second annual U.S.-Djibouti Binational Forum.

U.S. Department of StateFri, Feb 5, 2016 Fri, Feb 5, 2016

Secretary of State John Kerry's remarks on Djiboutian National Day

On behalf of President Obama and the American people, I congratulate the people of Djibouti on the anniversary of your independence on June 27...

U.S. Department of StateMon, Jun 27, 2016 Mon, Jun 27, 2016

Secretary Kerry Travel to Colombo, Nairobi, Mogadishu, Djibouti, Riyadh and Paris

April 27, 2015 - ...The Secretary will travel to Djibouti, Djibouti, on May 5, where he will meet high-level leaders to discuss our bilateral cooperation and their support to evacuation efforts from Yemen. He will engage with Djiboutian youth and religious leaders on a range of issues. The Secretary will also visit with U.S. military personnel at Camp Lemonnier. This is the first time that a sitting Secretary of State will visit Djibouti.

U.S. Department of StateMon, Apr 27, 2015 Mon, Apr 27, 2015

US Secretary of State's Visit to Djibouti

The President of the Republic of Djibouti, H.E. Ismail Omar Guelleh received at the Presidential Palace US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on his first visit to Djibouti on March 9, 2018. Mr. Tillerson and his delegation had a working meeting with Mahmoud Ali Youssouf, Minister of Foreign Affairs and also a joint Press conference.

U.S. Department of StateFri, Mar 9, 2018 Wed, Mar 14, 2018

U.S. Department of State Press Statement on Djibouti Presidential Elections

April 12, 2021 - The United States looks forward to working with the government of President Ismail Omar Guelleh and the people of Djibouti to advance our common interests following Djibouti’s presidential election on April 9.

U.S. Department of StateMon, Apr 12, 2021 Wed, Apr 21, 2021

Déclaration du président Biden à l’occasion du ramadan

La Maison-Blanche
Le 1er avril 2022

Jill et moi adressons nos meilleurs vœux aux communautés musulmanes des États-Unis et du monde entier à l’occasion du début du mois béni du ramadan.

U.S. Department of StateFri, Apr 1, 2022 Mon, Apr 4, 2022


On behalf of President Trump and people of the United States, I wish the people and government of Djibouti a happy national day as you celebrate the 41st anniversary of your independence on June 27.

Our peoples and governments have long benefited from our partnership, which contributes to the peace, development, and growth in Djibouti and the region. We look forward to our partnership continuing to advance the peace and prosperity of our peoples.

U.S. Department of StateWed, Jun 27, 2018 Fri, Jun 29, 2018
IA: Djibouti People Trailer

The Afar: The toughest people on earth?

(CNN) - Living above a magma chamber is not without its hazards, and yet the Afar have done so for generations.

CNNWed, Apr 6, 2016 Wed, Apr 6, 2016

United States warmly congratulates President Guelleh election as chairman of IGAD .

The United States warmly congratulates Djiboutian President Ismail Omar Guelleh on his election as chairman of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) during the IGAD Summit held in Djibouti June 12. The United States also welcomes the extension of IGAD Executive Secretary Dr. Workneh Gebeyehu’s tenure.

AllGovWed, Jun 14, 2023 Tue, Jun 13, 2023

The President of the Republic, Ismaïl Omar Guelleh, had an important meeting in the evening with the National Security Adviser, Jake Sullivan.

The President of the Republic, Ismaïl Omar Guelleh, had an important meeting in the evening with the National Security Adviser, Jake Sullivan.

La NationMon, Dec 19, 2022 Mon, Dec 19, 2022

President Ismail Omar Guelleh participated in the inauguration Ceremony of the New President of Kenya Dr William Ruto


La NationWed, Sep 14, 2022 Wed, Sep 14, 2022

Fusillade d’Orlando : Le président Guelleh exprime sa solidarité

Le chef de l’Etat a adressé hier un message de condoléances au président Barack Obama à la suite de la fusillade de la veille dans une discothèque de la ville d’Orlando, en Floride, qui a causé la mort d’une cinquantaine de personnes et fait autant de blessés.

« C’est dans l’effroi et la stupeur que j’ai appris l’attaque terroriste dirigée hier soir contre d’innocents civils», a écrit le Président Guelleh, exprimant sa « solidarité et compassion » à son homologue américain.

La NationMon, Jun 13, 2016 Mon, Jun 13, 2016

Afrique de l’Est : Une nation stratégique de 1,1 million d’habitants joue un rôle démesuré dans la consolidation de la paix régionale

Interview de l’Ambassadeur de la République de Djibouti auprès des Etats-Unis d’Amérique et Représentant de la République de Djibouti auprès des Nations Unies, Son Excellence Mohamed-Siad Doualeh

La NationWed, Aug 16, 2023 Wed, Aug 16, 2023

The official ceremony of the Non-permanent seat of the UNSC has been launch in New York by the Minister of Foreign Affair of Djibouti

Djibouti lance sa campagne officielle pour son élection en tant que membre non permanent du conseil de sécurité des nations unies

La NationTue, Dec 10, 2019 Tue, Dec 10, 2019

A team of the World Bank are in Djibouti to find the solution of the slums

Vers la fin des bidonvilles…

Une délégation de la Banque mondiale a engagé des discussions avec les autorités djiboutiennes autour du nouveau projet intégré de résorption des bidonvilles. Hier, le ministre de l’Economie et des Finances a présidé une réunion à laquelle ont participé tous ses collègues concernés par la politique de la ville.

La NationThu, Jan 26, 2017 Thu, Jan 26, 2017

Ligue Arabe: Le sommet de l'espoir

La NationTue, Jul 26, 2016 Tue, Jul 26, 2016

The President of The Republic of Djibouti H.E Ismail Omar Guelleh make a speech on the occasion of Djibouti independence.

Nous devons toujours être à la hauteur des défis actuels et à venir », dixit le Président Guelleh

La NationWed, Jun 29, 2022 Wed, Jun 29, 2022

President Ismail O Guelleh took part in the works of the 2nd Edition of the US-Africa Business summit in Washington DC on Dec 13-15 ,2022.

President Ismail O Guelleh took part in the works of the 2nd Edition of the US-Africa business summit in Washington DC on Dec 13-15 ,2022.

Le Président de la République, Son Excellence Ismail Omar Guelleh, a pris part aux travaux du sommet Etats-Unis-Afrique qui, s’est déroulé à Washington du 13 au 15 Décembre 2022.

La NationMon, Dec 19, 2022 Mon, Dec 19, 2022

President Ismail Omar Guelleh received the Commander of U.S Africom General Michael E.Langley

President Ismail Omar Guelleh received the Commander of U.S Africom General Michael E.Langley

The President of the Republic, His Excellency Ismail Omar Guelleh, received yesterday, at the end of the morning, the new Chief of the United States Command for Africa (AFRICOM), General Michael E.Langley in Djibouti as part of his regional .This audience first served as a framework for a first contact between President Guelleh and the new Chief Officer of AFRICOM.

La NationFri, Sep 2, 2022 Fri, Sep 2, 2022